Mental Health Awareness + My Story

Mental Health Awareness + My Story

As we recognize Mental Health Awareness Month this May, I share my story in the hope that it encourages open conversation about our mental health struggles and triumphs. It's in these stories that we find true healing and the power to move forward together.
In this world of prolific social media and perceived perfection, it’s rare that we pause for honesty, vulnerability, depth, and realness. As the founder of Maison d’Etto, our mission extends beyond creating exquisite fragrances; it is equally important to cultivate a community deeply rooted in supporting initiatives that are personally meaningful to me. The subject of mental health is our primary focus at Maison d’Etto. We are dedicated to advocacy and awareness, supporting a range of initiatives and promoting various traditional and untraditional healing modalities. As you will discover, this cause is deeply personal to me. In honor of National Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to take a moment to share my personal journey with you. 
My journey with mental health began in childhood, marked by panic attacks that would send me home from school. In my twenties, I faced an overwhelming battle with panic disorder and agoraphobia so severe that I was confined to my apartment, unable to cross the street for a loaf of bread. During these times, depression also wove its dark threads through my life, arriving in heavy waves that seemed to strike at the most challenging moments. These bouts of depression were not only isolating but incredibly revealing. They forced me to confront my vulnerabilities head-on, pushing me towards a path of healing and self-discovery.
This path was not straightforward. Before any of this, I pursued a career in medicine, studying for my pre-medical post-bacc, driven by a desire to be a healer. However, it became painfully clear that this was not where I belonged. Accepting this was not easy, but it was necessary. By opening myself up to new possibilities, I was able to navigate through my struggles and redirect my passions towards a career that eventually was necessary to get me here, to this place in fragrance. 
At Maison d’Etto, we believe in the transformative power of fragrance to connect us—to our deepest selves, to nature, and to each other. Our community is a testament to the journey many of us take through the challenges of mental health, finding solidarity and purpose in shared experiences. As we recognize Mental Health Awareness Month this May, I share my story in the hope that it encourages open conversation about our mental health struggles and triumphs. It's in these stories that we find true healing and the power to move forward together.
This month, in honor of Mother’s Day and Mental Health Awareness Month, we are proud to feature Courtney Maum's poignant memoir, The Year of the Horses, which vividly recounts her own battles with mental health. This compelling narrative resonates deeply with the ethos of Maison d’Etto, emphasizing the profound impact of personal stories in fostering understanding and empathy. Each purchase of our fragrance will include a copy of Courtney’s memoir, inviting you to explore the therapeutic power of connection through both scent and story. Together, let us celebrate the strength found in vulnerability and the courage to confront our challenges.

Brianna Lipovsky
Founder, Maison d’Etto
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